We’re done. I can’t take it anymore. Kidding aside, I have deleted every app on my phone that could possibly distract me or keep me using it for longer than an hour or two/day. I still have Slack, WordPress, and Inbox on there but mostly because I need that for communicating for my job. With that said, I have been considering deleting Slack and Inbox as I have found myself almost compulsively checking my email for the next marketer email like I used to check Facebook for likes, comments, and messages.

As a result, I only have Google Maps, Mint, Inbox, Slack, WordPress, and Weather (along with all of those other required apps from Apple). My phone is currently dead and I didn’t even realize it until I wanted to check to see if my app count was correct!

On top of this, I have deactivated Facebook and cut off access to Instagram. I have my Twitter account open but only because it’s almost like a step down from giving someone your email (or so I’ve noticed). People want your Twitter handle all the time now. Fortunately, I don’t tweet enough or enjoy tweeting enough for it to be a temptation.

So what have you done with all this newfound time?

I have re-discovered the joys of reading and writing. Currently, I’m bouncing between two books. One on the consequences of everything happening NOW (post about the book) and the other on how consciousness is a brain based process (book linked here). Both are absolutely fascinating and quite philosophically complex. I keep deluding myself into thinking that these books are perfect with a morning cup of coffee when, in reality, I should be trying to read them after two or three cups of coffee 🙂 Seriously though, try reading. Also, working out. I now have time to go to the gym 4-5 times/week without it being a hassle or a problem. Yes, I do miss posting pictures but my brain has finally stopped looking at beautiful scenes and asking what instagram filter that would look good with or what the caption should be. Not everything needs to be documented! So, free yourself. Read. Walk. Take pictures and don’t use filters.

One response

  1. […] public space and just try to count how many people are on their phones. I could rant about this but check out this post if you want to see how I have revamped my phone to help better my attachment to […]

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Expect to read about travel, mental health, community, WordPress, surrogacy, and more.